The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By Audrey Kemp, LA Reporter

March 29, 2023 | 4 min read

With baseball season beginning imminently, Bay Area rapper and San Francisco Giants fan IamSu! muses on the unique appeal of the sport in a new Giants ad.

Hey, sports skeptics: know what’s more boring than watching a baseball game? Watching paint dry, according to rapper IamSu in a brand campaign for the San Francisco Giants.

‘There’s nothing like it’ is meant to introduce future baseball fans to the San Francisco Giants fandom, including their mascots Lou Seal and Crazy Crab. The multichannel campaign also ushers in the Giants’ new slogan, ‘There’s nothing like it.’

The multichannel campaign launches today across TV, social, out-of-home, radio and more – with additional activations on TikTok and Giphy – just one day before the San Francisco Giants and The Yankees kick off Major League Baseball season at Yankee Stadium.

The Giants are also looking to give away “skeptickets,“ or free tickets to the home opener to baseball skeptics. To enter to win, they must create their own Giants-themed TikTok or Instagram content with Giants gifs from the team’s Giphy site,, and superimpose them on a baseball field, which acts as “a natural green screen,“ per a press release. Then, they can post the content to TikTok or Instagram, tag #sweepstakes and a friend and wait. The Giants will announce 50 “skeptickets“ winners on Thursday.

The campaign also marks the first major work from nice&frank, a new agency launched about seven months ago by ex-Goodby execs Laura Petruccelli and Graham North.

“When we can help a brand be honest about what people are saying about them, such as ‘Baseball is boring,’ the work instantly becomes playful. We get to acknowledge the elephant in the room in creative ways,” says Petruccelli, nice&frank‘s co-founder & chief creative officer.

“As an Aussie who previously thought baseball was boring, I found it fascinating to learn more about what makes Giants baseball unique,” she went on to say. “These nuances, as explained by fans like Iamsu! instead of by the team, make it much more convincing. Skeptickets allow us to invite more skeptics to come in and find a reason to love the sport for themselves, rather than loving what an ad campaign tells them to love! Truth is: fans are convincing; ads are not.”

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Agency: nice&frank

Production: Amodeo Creative

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