The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By Audrey Kemp, LA Reporter

December 19, 2023 | 2 min read

The festive and humorous ad aims to boost morale among parents navigating the dating world.

Stir, Match Group’s dating app for single parents, is spicing up the holidays with ‘Milf on the Shilf,’ a hot spot starring Busy Philipps, known for her role in the cult classic, Mean Girls and real-life single mom hustle.

Taking a playful cue from the Elf on the Shelf tradition, the ad introduces viewers to the app as ‘Stir, where Milfs meet Dilfs,’ (short for “Dads I’d Like to Falalalala”) to reimagine dating for single parents. Philipp’s costume is also a clear nod to her iconic Winter Talent Show performance in the film.

“Single parents are running themselves ragged to make things magical and special for their kids,” Philipps said in a statement shared with The Drum. “As a single parent, you often feel depleted, and have to remind yourself that it’s ok to have a flirtation and meet someone for a drink to reconnect with the part of yourself that exists outside of being a parent.”

The campaign, a collaboration between ad agency RQ and production company Native Foreign, is informed by consumer insights the team gathered on single parenting, which found that 86% of single parents who used dating apps reported feeling “hopeless, flawed or less than.”

In a statement, Philipps shared her dating green flags. The first was communication, highlighting the distinction between enjoyable texting banter and face-to-face interactio. Humor emerged as the second key factor, as someone nice and funny can bring laughter into the challenges of single parenting. She also mentioned shared interests and hobbies, ranging from a love for movies and music to the simple pleasure of enjoying nachos together. Finally, while addressing the complexities of single parenthood, Philipps noted the significance of establishing clear boundaries from the outset.

The full content series is live this month across Meta, TikTok, and streaming platforms.

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