The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By John Glenday, Reporter

February 8, 2023 | 2 min read

Indeed has switched focus from recruitment to social good by supporting employees battling addiction.

Speaking directly to the 40 million Americans with behavioral and physical addictions, including one in seven of those in work, a short social media video offers empathy and support to those struggling to manage a condition now defined as a disability, not a vice.

‘Happy Hour’ scotches engrained biases and outdated perceptions of addiction as a lack of willpower or a weakness of character to present a more understanding approach for those working their way through the recovery process.

Indeed executive creative director Russell Lambrecht commented: “Indeed believes in better work for all. That includes people with societal barriers, such as addiction. We hope this story helps raise awareness and encourages employers and co-workers to consider how a more inclusive and empathetic environment can improve overall well-being, including those battling addiction.”

Delivered in recognition that recovery is a year-round process not restricted to the ‘Dry January’ campaign, produced in collaboration with the jobs portals Recovery Affinity Group, lays bare the social and economic cost of reduced productivity, healthcare costs and crime.

Indeed has embraced video as a tool to reach out to audiences with great success, notably with a ‘Pay Gap Social Experiment’ that reached millions.


Client: Indeed

Agency: Indeed Creative Agency

Production Company: Smuggler

Director: Jamie Rafn

Editorial company: Cartel

Editor: Ellie Johnson

Music Company: Duotone Work & Wellbeing Mental Health

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