The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By John Glenday, Reporter

April 13, 2023 | 2 min read

Giffgaff rallies against corporate apathy with a gritty ad.

The mobile network is tapping into a public clamor for brands that embrace positive environmental, social and governance issues by positioning itself as the good guy.

‘We’re Up to Good’ showcases how the brand is challenging the established patterns of doing business as part of its ‘Ode to Bad’ creative platform. Devised in partnership with creative agency Neverland, the positive proposition articulates a better way to mobile.

Informed by surveys showing that 94% of consumers value honesty and transparency, the work centers on a TV ad in which Giffgaff shares its gratitude for showing the brand how to be good; including prioritizing sustainable partners and charitable work.

Spearheading a broader radio, display, cinema, out-of-home and paid social assault, the campaign sees every ad click translate into a charity donation.

Alexa Ponking, joint head of brand and advertising at Giffgaff, commented: “Giffgaff’s new brand positioning comes at a key time for consumers when pricing is no longer the only driving factor when looking for a new product; they’re looking for value and values from the businesses they put their trust in.

“‘We’re Up to Good’, complemented by the Ode to Bad creative, provides a range of angles to demonstrate the positive lessons we’ve learned from bad behavior.”

Noel Bunting, executive creative director of Neverland, added: “Thank you bad for showing us how to be good.”

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