The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By John Glenday, Reporter

June 8, 2022 | 2 min read

Mexican beer Corona is placing its brand at the forefront of efforts to curtail global plastic pollution in time for World Oceans Day.

W+K Portland is surfacing the pale lager drink’s commitment to reducing its reliance on plastic by imagining a world freed from the blight of unwanted bags, bottles and utensils littering the landscape.

‘Imagine a World Free of Plastic’ centers on ‘77 Earths,’ a sci-fi-style film that depicts picturesque beach scenes, a bathing horse and plenty of plastic waste, all under the ever-present eye of a multitude of sister planets in an impossible orbit above.

The contrast between real natural environments, as employed in its 100% natural campaign, and the computer-generated special effects aims to draw attention to the importance of protecting the one planet that really matters.

An accompanying activation sees Corona work with local artists in its native Mexico to clean a polluted section of beach, writing an impassioned plea for everyone to play their part in tackling the problem from the gathered waste.

Felipe Ambra, global Corona vice-president, said: “World Oceans Day is an opportunity to reflect and understand the human impact on vital natural resources. With Corona’s long-standing history of protecting paradise, we needed to send an important message to the world. We created this plastic letter installation to bring the problem front and center. We must act urgently to protect our oceans from daily plastic pollution, and we hope this visual inspires others to re-evaluate their own plastic footprint.”

Ensuring it is as good as its word, Corona has been playing its part by contributing to the removal of 10 tons of plastic waste from global oceans and instigated a returnable crate program in Germany, which now employs 90% recycled plastic.

The problem of plastic waste has proven to be a key consumer sentiment in a number of brand purpose surveys.

Brand Purpose Plastics Industry Environment

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