The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By Taruka Srivastava, Freelance journalist

August 9, 2022 | 2 min read

Beer brand Corona has partnered with not-for-profit organization Oceanic Global to create Corona Island, a tropical sustainable destination for eco-tourism off the coast of Colombia.

Corona Island claims to be free of single-use plastic, and aims to encourage guests to reconnect with the natural world through immersive hospitality experiences.

The island has achieved Oceanic Global’s three-star plastic-free Blue Seal for eliminating single-use plastic and adopting sustainable operating best practices at scale. From construction and energy production to food sourcing and guest experiences on-site, sustainability is at the core of Corona Island.

“On Corona Island, we are celebrating the majesty and beauty of the outdoors by getting guests engaged in protecting paradise,” said Felipe Ambra, global vice-president for Corona. “Everyone on the team, from our chefs to our architects, contributed to creating a truly single-use plastic-free paradise. We look forward to welcoming visitors, rekindling their relationship with nature and hopefully creating more advocates to protect our natural world.”

“Oceanic Global is honored to help develop the Corona Island experience and applauds Corona’s sector-leading sustainability efforts,” added Lea d’Auriol, founder and executive director at Oceanic Global.

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