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Video IPad Android

Apple trumps Android securing 78% mobile video completion rates


By Natalie Mortimer, N/A

July 10, 2015 | 3 min read

Apple's iPhone and iPad products draw significantly higher video ad completion rates than their Android and Blackberry powered rivals in the UK, according to a new report.

The difference between the tech rivals was most pronounced on tablets, where Apple products secured completion rates of 78 per cent, as compared with 50 per cent completion rates on Android, programmatic company TubeMogul found.

The study, titled Cheat Sheet, showed that there is a sharp drop-off in completion rates according to video length; 7-10 second ads see a 77 per cent completion rate on mobile devices, yet drop rapidly to 68 per cent (11-14 second duration ads) and 56 per cent (for ads above 15 seconds). This contrasts desktop pre-roll ads, which see a far less drastic decline.

TubeMogul looked at three different markets for the report including UK, US and Canada and found difference between the countries starkly different, according to Taylor Schreiner, VP research at TubeMogul.

"We also found it interesting that device plays a huge factor in completion rates and varies from country-to-country. Apple came out top in the UK, but lagged behind in the US, where it was actually the worst performer behind Android and Windows powered mobiles, and second to Blackberry for tablets".

The study also revealed that UK mobile video views on weekends are at their highest in the mornings between 7-10am. On holiday weekends, Monday is the best day for ad placement, with an 86 per cent increase in viewership as opposed to Saturday or Sunday.

The data for the study was drawn from 65 million impressions made between October and December 2014.

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