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Brand Purpose Creative Works Out Of Home

Ad of the Day: Sun rays reveal a secret message on Corona billboard


By Amy Houston, Senior Reporter

May 6, 2022 | 3 min read

Corona has revealed a sun-drenched billboard activation at Brighton’s seafront to celebrate its ‘100% Natural’ campaign – but in order to see it in its full glory, locals need to catch it at the right moment.


Corona special build in Brighton / Weber Shandwick

The unique out-of-home (OOH) build comes to life at golden hour, when light from the setting sun hits the foliage-adorned billboard, creating shadows that reveal a surprise message to passers-by.

It was developed by Wieden+Kennedy and brought to life by Sketch.

By day, it appears simple as the beer’s classic yellow hue and bottle label. However, as the sun glides across the sky between 6.30pm-6.45pm, people will be able to see the hidden message uncovered by the descending rays.


“Corona believes that the best things are made from the natural world. From the natural ingredients we use to brew our beer through to our mission to help more people reconnect with nature, we’re now even extending this thought into our advertising,” said Irini Komodikis, marketing director for Europe at Corona.

“The incredible design means that we have really relinquished control, allowing the power of the sun to take over, shining a light on the beauty and benefits of using 100% natural ingredients. And where better to host the innovative billboard than amidst the buzz of Brighton, recently crowned the most eco-friendly and sustainability-conscious city in the UK.”

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Corona: 100% Natural by Wieden+Kennedy

By Corona

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