The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By Imogen Watson, Senior reporter

April 26, 2021 | 2 min read

Two-thirds of over 65s say sex and intimacy for their age group is rarely represented in media, while the majority of people (60%) aren’t comfortable talking openly to anyone about sex and intimacy.

Rankin and the relationships charity Relate is determined to smash the age-old taboo by showing what sex and intimacy can mean in later life.

To get people thinking and talking about sex and intimacy, Rankin shot five older couples and one woman caught in their most intimate settings.

The beautifully shot film includes Andrew and Mark, who have been together for 31 years, to Chrissie – who has had a double mastectomy – and her partner Roger, to Daphne and Arthur, who still hold hands when they walk.

“The simple fact is it that we all need intimacy now more than ever – and age, of course, really is just a number,” insists Rankin, stressing that the greatness of love and affection – the very things we can’t stop writing books, films and pop songs about – doesn’t need to change as we find our later years.

“This campaign sets out to break convention, and that’s what it did, both before and behind the camera.”

The campaign was conceived by advertising and marketing agency Ogilvy after seeing advertising failing to represent older generational intimacy.

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Rankin: The Joy of Later Life Sex by Ogilvy

By Rankin

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