The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By Amy Houston, Senior Reporter

February 29, 2024 | 2 min read

The lifestyle brand’s latest spot is part of its ‘Built to Resist’ platform and was created by indie agency Mutant.

Creativity, individuality and self-expression are words often associated with cosplay and live-action role play (LARP) communities, which is exactly what Eastpak wanted to bring to its latest brand film.

Through the ad’s array of characters, the campaign advocates resistance to the pressure of conformity and celebrates defiance against the dull reality of the mundane.

“At Eastpak, we side with those who don’t accept the status quo; at their core, they are people who inspire and embrace change, celebrate the beauty of self-expression, and are eager to explore the world around them,” said Pete Winkworth, global marketing director at Eastpak.

“The cosplay and LARP communities fit perfectly within that and, with ’Built to Resist 24,’ we wanted to stay true to their ethos.”

The campaign will run on social and digital channels across various countries within Europe, APAC and the Middle East.

Odin Saillé, founder and chief creative at Mutant, added: “Eastpak has always been a brand that encourages transformation. Who didn’t customize their bag with markers, safety pins, Tipp-Ex and patches?”

“There’s a beautiful parallel between that ritual and what these cosplayers do. With every new addition to their wardrobe, they unveil a new aspect of their identity. There’s this beautiful saying by George RR Martin that says: ‘A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.’ Well, I think cosplay is the second best option to reach that goal if you’re not into books.”

According to the brand performance platform Kantar Marketplace, this ad is highly effective in terms of impact and scored well in the engagement category.

Last year, Eastpak released a cinematic film that imagined a futuristic life on Mars.

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