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By Amy Houston, Senior Reporter

March 6, 2024 | 3 min read

Ever been told to picture the audience with no clothes on to settle nerves? This campaign from Peachaus does exactly that.

Ethical fashion brand Peachaus has unveiled a new brand campaign that focuses on building women’s confidence when it comes to public speaking in a light-hearted way.

‘Naked Talks’ features a group of women who experience nerves around public speaking to an underwear-clad audience. The film hopes to encourage women to feel comfortable in their skin and have the courage to be themselves every day.

Research shows that three out of four women are trepidatious about public speaking. Created with an all-female production crew by independent creative shop Dude London, the ad boldly encourages women to embrace their fears to bare all to an audience – who are doing the same.

Gillian Ridley Whittle, founder of Peachaus, said: “At the heart of the Peachaus Naked Talks is the real-life demonstration of people having the courage to be themselves, to be entirely comfortable in their own skin.

“The film is about finding your comfort zone, that space where you feel safe, secure and confident, that allows every individual’s brilliance to shine. We aimed to capture the essence of Peachaus: clothing to help women have the courage to be themselves in their everyday, every day.”

The campaign will run on social and digital fashion and lifestyle channels, as well as brand-owned channels. Media was by The GoodNet.

Vic D’Andrea, creative at Dude London, added: “This is the sort of idea you never expect to actually make it all the way to our screens. But when you find an amazing company like Peachaus that has the confidence to take a risk, you end up creating something really unique. And what better way to send an important message than in a lighthearted way.”

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