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By Amy Houston, Senior Reporter

January 27, 2022 | 2 min read

For its 2022 Winter Olympics campaign, telecoms company Comcast, with the help of agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners, is shining the spotlight on Team USA Paralympian snowboarder Mike Schultz to tell the compelling story of how he overcame the odds to turn his life around.

The epic tale begins in 2008 when, amid a successful snowboarding career, Schultz was involved in a crash that led to the amputation of his left leg below the knee.

Provided with a prosthetic leg that wasn’t built for the fast-paced action sport he loved so much, Schultz decided to design and build his own. His determination to get back out on the slopes led to a gold medal at the 2018 Winter Paralympics, all while establishing his own successful prosthetics business.


‘Ready for Anything’ shows viewers a complete timeline with behind-the-scenes photographs of Schultz during that time right up to the present day, giving it a heartfelt quality.

“This spot isn’t just about Mike’s journey as an athlete or his path to becoming a business owner – both of which are extremely powerful,” said Eileen Diskin, chief marketing officer and senior vice-president of Comcast Business. “It’s about resilience and adaptability. This story, like the stories of so many businesses that are finding a way forward, is a reminder of why we do the work we do.”


Comcast has planned to roll out a series of commercials on the theme of being ready for what’s next during this year’s event and will officially launch on February 4.

“Every athlete has a story, but not all of them have one like this – an inventor and entrepreneur, running his own business while competing in the games against people using his own products,” added Jim Elliott, executive creative director of Goodby Silverstein & Partners. “Mike’s tenacity and mindset are exactly what Comcast Business stands for. It’s an honor for us to share his story with the world.”

Comcast: Ready For Anything by Goodby Silverstein & Partners

By Comcast

Overall Rating 4/5

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